We are thankful for a successful and fruitful camp for the inner-city kids in East Vancouver. This year we have 38 campers, 16 camp leaders/helpers, and 2 camp directors. This year we were able to do a field trip to Maplewood Farm which was a nice place for the kids to play with animals together. The weather was very hot during this week, we were flexible with our schedule so we can take the kids to the nearby park with water spray a few times. We also used the downstairs parking lot to cool off one time for lesson time. We also organized a visit to the nearby Strathcona library with a special program organized for 2 age groups, some kids even took out books while they are there. I really appreciate the camp leaders this year as they kept going even if they are tired, and they are a great group of young people to work with.

Again, we cannot thank you enough for the camp leaders who volunteered their time and efforts to make this camp possible! The objective of the camp in providing a service and a meaningful time for the kids that is needed very much for inner-city families in the East Vancouver area. This summer camp is a partnership project between CRRS Project Shine and VUM (Vancouver Urban Ministries)
Date: Aug 15 – 19th, Monday to Friday
Venue: Chinatown Peace Church
Attendance: 38 Kids, 16 Camp Leaders!
Camp Activities:
• Music & songs, Dance & Exercise
• Arts & Crafts
• Field Trip: Library, Maple Wood Farm
• Outdoor games, water sprays park
• Fun Snacks (DIY snacks)
• Lunch (Sponsored by We Care Meals Society)
• Camp leader talent show
Camp Theme – “BUDDY”
Day 1) B – Belong
Day 2) U – Understand New Comers
Day 3) D – Do good in the neighborhood (acts of random kindness)
Day 4) D – Determine to make a difference
Day 5) Y – You can be a friend of the Creator
Summer Camp 2022 Highlights Video
Special Thanks to the following organizations and people
Chinatown Peace Church – for camp venue and BBQ lunch for our kids
Lawrence Kong – Speaker and animal balloon teacher
Sarah Lee-Innes – Speaker
We Care Meals Society – Sponsoring lunch and snacks
Swan Lee – for being the dance & exercise instructor
West Coast Christian School – Bus and driver for our field trip
YC Chan – for providing “Buddysaurus” Coloring Sheets
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