“Born to Shine Summer ONLINE Day Camp 2022” was held on August 10-14, 2020! We have 30 kids and 12 volunteers participating! This is our partnership project with Vancouver Urban Ministries to provide a free online summer camp for kids in our community here. We have a teaching & storytime, crafts, DIY snack, games, dance & exercise, and special talent show from our Camp leaders! We had a great start today and we ask you to pray for our campers and camp leaders as we continue this week! This camp replaces our usual annual “Project Shine Summer Trip”. Even though this year Project Shine cannot go to China to serve and teach English to students in rural areas because of Covid-19, we continue to “shine” and be a blessing wherever we are.
Esther Leung-Kong (Camp Director)

Enjoy this video of the amazing time we had together at “Born to Shine Online Summer Camp 2020”. We had a great time learning, singing, dancing, making crafts, snacking, playing virtual games, and chatting with our camp leaders! We will miss the kids so much, until next time! Camp Verse – “We are the light of the world, let our light shine before others!”
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