“Love in any Language”


2011 is the 4th year where CRRS sent the Project Shine team of young North American people to teach English to underprivileged students in WenShan(文山雲南)County, Yunnan, China. This year I wasn’t able to go because of my own pregnancy! Though I was still very blessed in training the team ahead of time and hearing their experiences afterwards in the reunion! I would also like to say a special thanks to Hong Kong CRRS staff Karen Sin for partnering up with Canada CRRS in making this project successful! Each year the Project Shine team must learn the song “Love in any language” as the theme song.


When the Project Shine Summer Trip team is performing this song, we also use sign language. Even though most of our North American young people do not know how to speak fluent Mandarin in China, some have more challenges than others when it comes to the language barrier, but they were able to establish friendship with the students through love. (by Esther Leung)


Below are some letters and thoughts from Project Shine Summer Trip team members and the students from Yunnan China.


Jackie Pare (Project Shine Teacher)

Leaving our students on the last day is the most challenging and difficult thing.This year I found it especially emotional to leave my kids because one of our students, Max, who has always been a trouble maker and for the most part “emotion-less” wept as Christine (my teaching partner) and I were waving goodbye to our kids from the bus. I believe that though it is not always apparent, as teachers we are really impacting and touching the lives of people we may think otherwise about



Class 10 - Elaine and Jennifer


ElaineCheng’s thoughts for her students (Project Shine Summer Trip teacher)

Even though I am your teacher, I think each of you have taught me so much more about life. You’ve helped me see the world in a different perspective. Having very little, you cherish every bit you have. You may not have as much wealth as we do, but I feel that you are much richer in your dreams, your love towards others, and your warm-hearted kindness and constant joy. Because of the you I am reminded not to take for granted the important things in life, especially family. You inspire me to love my parents more.


Project Shine Summer Trip 母子篇: Zita Lai和她15 歲的兒子 Osman

Group photo with Dr. Melvin

Zita Lai (Project Manager/媽媽)


  1. 文山的學生

    • 不是要在兩星期裏令他們學到多少英語,而是把他們學英語的興趣挑起來,讓他們放胆對話,這是對他們起着長遠的影響。從他們的回應可見一斑︰我以前上英語課常睡覺,但原來可以這麼有趣。
    • 他們驚訝於加拿大志願者的愛心,不單自掏腰包,更長途跋涉到地球另一邊,對不相識的人付出真愛,讓他們感受到愛是跨越地域的。
  2. 加拿大的志願者

    • 他們的教學態度之認真與投入,對學生的感情投放與付出,作為他們的父母看到的話,一定會感到自豪與安慰!
    • 願意學習、體現團隊精神、放下自我、聽從規勸、尊重別人、互相扶持、領袖才能、不計付出、邁向成熟,以上的特質在短短兩個星期內全都展現出來。
  3. 領隊者的我

    • 欣慰於年青人成長路的改變。得到他們的信任,期間担任了朋友、母親、輔導的角色。
    • 他們願意再去,意味着從中的得着。另方面也反映出各方面包括中國學生、加拿大的志願者、文更的同工合作努力的成果。
    • 他們讓我更印證一個信念︰除了愛,仍是愛。沒有比愛的力量更大!衷心多謝你們!
  • Summer Trip
  • 2011